Project Sickle Cure

Project Sickle Cure

STAR plans to establish SCD’s only repository for data and bio-specimens in order to begin to answer critical questions to improve the BMT process, with project launch planned for fall 2019.

The repository will compile clinical data, image bank and MRI images and blood samples from 100s of BMT patients and their donor for three years. This data will provide an unparalleled resource for scientists working to develop more effective strategies for transplantation and to:

  • Improve survival rates
  • Reduce acute and chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD)
  • Reduce rejection of the transplanted marrow
  • Preserve fertility
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

Children's Hospital St. Louis BJC Healthcare
The Children's Hospital at Montefiore

Project Sickle Cure is supported by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Children’s Hospital of St. Louis and Children’s Hospital at Montefiore.